Study follow-up

AbbVie – Accessing clinical trial data

AbbVie recognises that transparent and secure sharing of clinical data enables better understanding of disease and standards of care, which can support future research and build trust in research amongst patients. 

As such, AbbVie enables qualified researchers to request access to anonymised clinical trial data, with requests managed through Vivli, an independent and non-profit organisation that has developed a global data-sharing and analytics platform. 

More information about AbbVie’s partnership with Vivli can be accessed here. 


AbbVie – Plain language summaries

AbbVie recognises that it is important for research participants and their families to understand the outcome of their clinical, and the for the wider public to have trust in the research and its results. 

To support research transparency, AbbVie introduced a new template for lay summaries of their clinical trial results, ensuring they are written in plain language to be understandable to people without a medical or scientific background. 

You can access and read these plain language summaries on AbbVie’s website. 

Last modified: 21 May 2024

Last reviewed: 21 May 2024