Companies I-P

Companies I-P

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Neuroendocrine tumour dietitian service redesign 

Ipsen and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham worked together to create a new dedicated dietitian service to help manage patients' symptoms and nutritional status, resulting in increased patient satisfaction and reduced waiting times. 

Halving time in hospital for patients with soft tissue sarcoma

Following the addition of a new chemotherapy to the treatment standards for patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS), The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre worked with Lilly UK to halve the amount of time patients spent in hospital and free up consultant time which improved the efficiency of their chemotherapy clinic.


Reducing the time for patients with Multiple Sclerosis to start treatment

Merck Serono worked with St George's hospital to analyse the care pathway for MS patients. This resulted in changes to the way prescriptions were processed at the hospital, so patients could be treated two weeks faster than the service average.

Supported Self-Management in Multiple Sclerosis

A virtual educational course designed in collaboration with the MS Academy to educate and share best practice on different approaches to supported self-management (SSM) in multiple sclerosis (MS).


‘Do It For Yourself’ campaign supports patients to seek help and respond to drop in referral rates

The ‘Do It For Yourself’ campaign was designed to support lung cancer disease awareness within some of the most socio-economically deprived regions across England in areas which exhibit some of the highest levels of disease burden of lung cancer as well as the steepest declines in patient presentation when the pandemic began.

Skill-mixing the primary care workforce to deliver integrated heart failure services in Leeds

Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust and Novartis worked together to design an education service for heart failure patients. Every patient seen received education to support self-management, and staff received extra training to deliver an integrated service. 


Skill-mixing the primary care workforce to deliver integrated heart failure services in Leeds

Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust and Novartis worked together to design an education service for heart failure patients. Every patient seen received education to support self-management, and staff received extra training to deliver an integrated service. 

Last modified: 13 November 2023

Last reviewed: 13 November 2023