Calls for collaboration on medical research in Wales

ABPI Cymru and the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Cymru call for prioritisation of medical research funding in Wales.

Today (3 July), the Cross Party Group on Medical Research brought together representatives from the third sector, researchers, universities, and industries at the Senedd to highlight their medical research and innovations. Supported by the BHF Cymru and the ABPI, the event aimed to promote, share, and discuss research opportunities in Wales and to foster collaboration.

Since 2019, the Cross-Party Group for Medical Research has connected Members of the Senedd, third sector, industry, patients, and clinicians to strengthen the medical research landscape and underscore the significance of medical research and innovation for the health, economy, and people of Wales.

Rick Greville, Director, ABPI Wales and Distribution Supply Chain said: "We are delighted to support today's event which brings together many parts of the research community to enhance the clinical research environment in Wales. The entire UK research ecosystem relies on collaboration to deliver governments' ambitious vision for the future of clinical research, and it is crucial for all components of government to commit to making this vision a reality."

Rhodri Thomas, Head of BHF Cymru, said: “We would like to thank the Cross Party Group, David Rees MS and ABPI for their support for this event and their commitment to supporting and improving medical research in Wales. Prioritising the funding of medical research is crucial.

Medical research has the potential to unlock the next big breakthroughs in treatments and care for the UK’s biggest killers and causes of ill health. By helping us bring together our leading researchers and scientists from charity and industry, as well as those that have the power to reduce the funding barriers, we hope to keep demonstrating the importance of the work within Wales that will help people to live healthier, and for longer.” 

Last modified: 27 September 2024

Last reviewed: 27 September 2024

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The ABPI exists to make the UK the best place in the world to research, develop and use new medicines. We represent companies of all sizes who invest in discovering the medicines of the future. 

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