Improving the UK's health data capability & the industry's access to data
Harnessing the unique potential of UK health data, provides huge opportunities to improve outcomes for patients, reduce costs and enhance efficiency in the NHS, and discover, develop and deliver new treatments. To achieve this, patients, the NHS and the biopharmaceutical industry need to be able to use the increasing amount of digital health data being collected.
However, the full potential of health data cannot be realised until structures and processes enable straightforward, safe, and efficient accessibility. The pharmaceutical industry has decades of experience handling health research data generated in clinical trials securely and is well placed to support UK policymakers and the NHS creating frameworks which enable efficient, and legitimate health data access for research and care.
Improving the UK's health data capability & the industry's access to data
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Options appraisal to deliver a Health Data Research Service in England
In response to the Sudlow Review's recommendation, the government has signalled an openness to establishing a Health Data Research Service. This initiative presents a crucial opportunity to transcend our current complicated and fragmented landscape to create an internationally competitive research service.
Principles for analysis and use of health data by ABPI members
This document sets out principles that ABPI members will adhere to when analysing and using NHS health data. These will complement the governance processes established by the data custodians.
Models of access to health data in the UK
This report describes the range of current models for UK health data access for pharmaceutical company researchers, with details on major datasets and case studies.
Unlocking the promise of UK health data
This report highlights a where action must be taken to address the key challenges and barriers which limit our potential to harness health data.
Over the last thirty years or so, advances in digital technology have enabled exponential growth in the amount of data we can collect, store, manage, analyse and share.
Health data is playing an increasingly important role in the discovery and development of new medicines. Around 40 new medicines are approved for use each year, helping people extend and improve their daily lives.
Health data is collected from patients and members of the public, and – in order for it to be used to support the development of new treatments – patients and members of the public must have trust and confidence that their personal information will be used only in the way that they choose, it is securely protected when it is used, and that its use will be carefully governed.
The biopharmaceutical industry engages in a variety of ways with UK health data.